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Making Space for ME in 2023

January 09, 20236 min read

Making space for myself in 2022 was hard, but I started really getting the hang of it towards the end. It's not all salt baths and reading, either. I'm talking about authentic healthy selfcare!

In 2023, I'm making ME a priority. Here's how:

5 Ways To Make Me a Priority in 2023

1. Creating a Physical Reminder & Space for Priorities

I've always had a hard time with vitamins, drinking water and taking my meds.

Even as part of a routine, it was so hard for me.

Last year, it became clear that I was deficient in a few things, and decided to invest in some high quality supplements: including a green drink, collagen, and a few vitamins.

I've been wanting to drink more water so I bought cups with lids and straws, and some yummy new herbal teas to try.

Here's the thing. No matter how much I wanted to make these things part of my routine, I found myself forgetting, dismissing, and choosing not to.

Then something changed. It happened when I created a physical space in a corner of my kitchen for all of these things. Everything was within reach: my kettle, my collagen, my drinks, my mugs, my cups with the straw - all in ONE place.

Now all of a sudden, every morning as I walked passed my kettle, I turned it on, and grabbed my cute starbucks mug. As I poured my tea, I popped a few supplements into my mouth and put a large scoop of green powder into another cup.

And what I've struggled with for YEARS became a simple & fast morning routine.

I started doing this with several other goals, and it WORKED. Creating physical space in your environment for the things you want to prioritize will:

  • remind you of your goals

  • make your goals more accessible

  • help with creating a new routine

2. Creating Breathing Room (Almost) Daily

Some people meditate in the morning. Some people meditate at night. I've never been able to stick to it. Until now.

Yet... I can finally say I've started my own meditation practice. But it looks VERY DIFFERENT from what I always envisioned.

Breathing room is a short rest in the middle of a busy time. I choose to make breathing room for meditation (pun intended) right smack in the middle of my day, when I need it MOST!

Not EVERY day, but whenever it's necessary.

Sometimes it's a few times a week. Sometimes it ends up happening a few times a day.

When I am overwhelmed by work, I feel my heart begin to beat harder, faster or irregularly, or when I feel my temper or stress rise quickly. That's when I stop everything and breathe for 5 minutes.

Literally. I leave my work, my phone, my dogs, and everything that's stressing me out and go into a quiet room in my house, plop down on the floor, and just breathe for minutes.

Usually, it takes less than 5 minutes to come back to calm and recognize the trigger. Sometimes I'm still a but worked up, but it is ALWAYS more manageable after I breathe.

3. Be More Intentional About Hobbies

Alan Watts has this famous quote I think about often,

A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts."

I'd so much rather spend my time doing than thinking about doing. Yet I often find myself spending free time on social media, listening to the same audiobook for the 300th time or binging New Girl, yet again.

Instead of complaining that I have no hobbies, or doing what I always do to kill time... I decided to actually just start reviving old hobbies, as a start:

I pressed checkout on the $10 yarn that's been in my my 'saved for later' list for months and start knitting again. Turns out I still love it.

I started taking salt baths 2-3 times a week instead of saving that for only special occasions when I 'really deserved it'. It makes the 3 other nights a week I work late feel much more bearable.

I picked up the highest reviewed new york times best seller romance and got back into reading again. I've already read 3 NEW books this YEAR & started a book club with 2 friends!

Stop thinking about doing things, and just do them. If you don't know what you want to do, just revive some old hobbies like: rollerblading, reading, playing ukulele, or cross-stitching.

4. Feed & Water Your Dreams

I wrote a blog about discovering my dreams last year. Because Dreams Matter!

Whatever your dream is, you have to feed and water it. It needs energy & inspiration to thrive. I've been feeding my dreams by:

  1. Listening to Education: I typically do Podcasts & Videos. The great thing about listening to education about your field is that they often give you inspiration to act on during the week, and keeps your mind focused on your intention. Making this a priority has helped me maintain motivation and stamina.

  2. Being Brave & Acting on your Dreams. Even if you're inconsistent. Even if it's boring. Even if it's scary.

  3. Monthly Reflection. I was having a hard time with this one for a while, but I started using the moon cycle to assess myself and it became much more fun. Every full moon I reflect on what I've done. Every new moon, I set new intentions. Find system that works for you and reflect. Steal my monthly assessment ritual here.

5. A Season for Work, A Season for Play

The earth does not maintain its intensity year-round. It has seasons of warmth, seasons of cold, seasons of wind or rain or stillness.

Looking back over last year, I can see that my own work intensity followed this pattern.

Some weeks were non-stop, others were less productive.

I used to think this was a failing on my part.

However, the last few months I've focused on following flow of my own energy and tuition. This has created greater balance in my life, overall.

Accepting that I can not maintain our focus and intensity on our work year round helps me to have compassion for myself when I work less, and allowing myself to work more during other seasons.

This helps me to prioritize depending on my client list, and my own personal needs.

For example,

Last year, the springtime and early summer I spent much of my time outside, landscaping, gardening, and soaking in the fresh air. In late November thru December, I spent much of my time with family, friends.

During these times I worked a few hours a day some days, and only a few minutes other days.

But there were other seasons such as mid summer, and late October that I spent MUCH more time working than not. And often working late into the night, for days and weeks on end.

When inspiration hits hard, I follow it. This method has served me well. It does not always offer a weekly balance, but overall enables me to make space for my needs duing different periods.

I'm excited to be even more intuitive and graceful as I continue to follow it into 2023.


*DISCLAIMER: I’m not implying you’ll duplicate any or all results stated here (or do anything for that matter). I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort, action and investment.

Copyright © 2022-2023 - Brooklyn Kay Marketing Company - All Rights Reserved.

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Brooklyn Kay Beckdol

Brooklyn Beckdol is most at home when surrounded by green trees and rain. She lives in Washington State with her husband, Yanni and her two fur babies. She graduated from USU in 2020 with a degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Mental Health Awareness. After a traumatic failed attempt in the corporate marketing world in 2021, she quit her job and founded Brooklyn Kay Marketing Co. She quickly found that she felt most authentic when helping women-owned businesses succeed in the online space. As a trained Facebook and Instagram Ad Manager and Marketing Strategist, she quickly got to work learning developing strategies. She loves to write and hopes to someday become an author.

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DISCLAIMER: Please understand that I use client results for references and example purposes only. I’m not implying you’ll duplicate any results listed on any and all website pages and other marketing materials (or do anything for that matter). Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.

Please also note that all wellbeing or health-related webpages, books and planners provide information, not advice. Please consult professionals.

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